The most popular towns in Central and Northern New Jersey – and growing
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School info and scores
Town ratings and reviews
Walking and biking scores
The food scene
Parks and family activities
Our site currently has profiles for many popular towns in New Jersey so you can get a good feel for what the different towns have to offer without having to travel. And we are adding more towns each month. Whether you are looking for cute towns with art, antiques, fine dining and elegant homes or you are looking for the best home values, or a new affordable luxury apartment – we have it here!
With Lovabletowns you can find your new hometown with ease. You choose from town size, gyms, outdoor activities, walking and bike scores and more. Try a search now. You pick what you want and we tell you which towns match you needs best.
COMING SOON; search by Food, Nightlife, Town Ratings and more.
We love New Jersey’s quick commute to NYC or even Philadelphia. Plus New Jersey is known for convenience, a high standard of living and (surprise!) natural beauty.
We are currently building profiles for most of the towns in New Jersey so you can get a good feel for what the different towns have to offer without having to travel. Whether you are looking for cute towns with art, antiques, fine dining and luxury homes or you are looking for the best home values or just an average apartment – we have it here!
We live pretty well here. New Jersey residents enjoy some of the highest income per capita in the US.
We also currently have the highest rated public school system in the country.
Most of New Jersey remains quite beautiful. It is not smelly and dirty. We have some of the strongest environmental regulations in the country. Most of New Jersey’s smelly and dirty industries have been continually improving, including those located within the narrow transit corridor approaching the international airport and New York City. In New Jersey, you’ll find wonderful towns to live in amongst rural farmland, mountains, rivers, forests and of course beautiful beaches along the shore.
Property taxes compared to the other states in other parts of the country are high, but we also get a lot more for our money compared to low tax states. We have more and better infrastructure, more and better-paid police officers and firefighters, and the highest ranked public schools in the country. Depending on the year, New Jersey Ranks #1, 2 or 3 overall in Pre-K through 12th grade (according to U.S. News and several other sources).
There are also other tax advantages to living in New Jersey, such as income tax. According to PocketSense, “New Jersey’s lowest income tax rate is 1.4 percent while New York’s is 4 percent.”
Lower taxes, better schools and environmental beauty are among the top reasons why so many business savvy people work in The City, but opt to live in New Jersey.
There’s much to see here. Take your time, look around, and learn all there is to know about New Jersey. We hope you love our site. Please take a moment to share it with others if you do.